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Home ยป Thorough Guide on Daftar Data Jemaah Haji 2013 Sulawesi Selatan

Thorough Guide on Daftar Data Jemaah Haji 2013 Sulawesi Selatan

If you are one of the many people in Sulawesi Selatan who is planning to embark on a life-changing journey to perform Hajj, then you have probably heard of the "Daftar Data Jemaah Haji 2013 Sulawesi Selatan". This list is crucial for anyone looking to join the Hajj pilgrimage in the year 2013. Here is everything you need to know about this important document.

What is Daftar Data Jemaah Haji?

The "Daftar Data Jemaah Haji" is essentially a list of all the accepted pilgrims for Hajj in a particular year. This list is published by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama) in Indonesia, and it includes all the information about each pilgrim, including their name, passport number, and departure date.

Why is Daftar Data Jemaah Haji important?

Daftar Data Jemaah Haji is important for all pilgrims because it confirms that they are officially registered and accepted for the pilgrimage. Without this list, pilgrims are unable to go on Hajj in that particular year. Additionally, the list can also provide a sense of security for the pilgrims’ families and loved ones since it confirms that their loved ones are officially registered for the pilgrimage in case of emergencies.

Accessing Daftar Data Jemaah Haji 2013 Sulawesi Selatan

The Ministry of Religious Affairs publishes the Daftar Data Jemaah Haji every year on their official website. To access the 2013 list for Sulawesi Selatan, all you need to do is visit their website and look for the relevant link. Once you have found the link, click on it and voila! You will have access to the entire list.

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What does the list contain?

The list contains detailed information about each pilgrim registered for Hajj in 2013, including their name, passport number, and departure date. The information is arranged alphabetically by the pilgrims’ surnames. This means that it is easy to locate a particular name provided that you have the surname.

How to use Daftar Data Jemaah Haji 2013 Sulawesi Selatan

If you are planning to join the 2013 Hajj pilgrimage from Sulawesi Selatan, then you will need to consult this list to confirm your registration. The list also gives you information about your departure date, which is essential when it comes to planning your journey.


Daftar Data Jemaah Haji 2013 Sulawesi Selatan is a crucial documentary resource for anyone who is planning to go on Hajj pilgrimage in that particular year. It contains vital information that every pilgrim needs to know before embarking on this challenging yet life-changing journey. Therefore, it’s essential to make the necessary preparations and consult this list well in advance.

Don’t wait any longer; start looking for the Daftar Data Jemaah Haji 2013 Sulawesi Selatan list now to ensure that you don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the holy land.